Hi, I’m Leah. My passion is luxury adventure travel.
Since childhood I’ve been obsessed with learning about other cultures. I traveled as a kid with my family, then as a young adult on a shoestring. I’m old enough to remember what it was like to travel without the technology we enjoy today. I used to travel with a backpack, staying in pensions and hostels. It’s a great way to go. Now, I prefer a more luxurious route. Travel keeps me fresh. It makes me feel like a kid, I get excited every time I travel to a new city. I’m thrilled to share my favorite places with you.
Who is The Modern Traveler?
My concept of The Modern Traveler is one who travels with technology and is connected, but it goes beyond that. The Modern Traveler is streamlined and savvy. The Modern Traveler travels efficiently and enjoys luxury and experience. This can mean sleeping in a five star hotel, then going off for the day to hike in the woods, cycle around town, or paddle an outrigger. This is in keeping with a desire to maintain a healthy lifestyle on the go, and modern travelers will seek out healthy food, which thankfully is not so hard to find these days. The Modern Traveler is more interested in quality over quantity.
How many devices do I travel with?
Three. A laptop (the new MacBook, which is as light as the old Air), an iPad Air that I share with my son for inflight movies and reading, and an iPhone 8+ which is kind of like traveling with an assistant. My son travels with an iPhone. Sometimes I throw a Kindle into the mix, or a fancy camera, though the 8+ has replaced the big “professional” camera for most trips.
My travel style
Here is how I like to travel: I relish good design and appreciate a beautiful hotel. I also love nature and can be just as happy in a tent or yurt as a five star resort. Activities are a focal point of my trips. Cycling in a new town, horseback riding–it’s all a way to deepen the experience and see a place from different perspectives. I go out of my way to sample local food and enjoy little hole in the wall places as much as fine dining, probably more. Organic farm to table is my favorite. I usually travel alone, or with my amazing son who is a natural born traveler. Sharing experiences with him is meaningful beyond words. Sometimes we travel with our chihuahua.
Contact Me
Feel free to contact me at [email protected].
Work With Me
I love to partner with CVBs and luxury brands. Click HERE to see some of the brands I have worked with and please feel free to reach out to get featured on The Modern Traveler or hire me for a writing gig. You can find me in various publications both online and in print, and on my gear-focused website, Best Travel Gear, where I review gear I’ve used on trips taken within these pages.